holiday vs travelIs travelling more than ‘just a vacation?’ For me, I would say for sure! Some might ask “Is it not just a permanent holiday?!”, well NO! For me it’s so much more than that. And I will explain why.

What is a Holiday?

Solo Travel Morocco

I consider a holiday as more of a downtime away from the stresses of work, kids, bills or whatever else life is throwing at you. Usually short in duration and which I see as more of a getaway. It’s a chance to relax, to stay in one place, have fun, de-stress and recharge. I love not needing to move around but having activities and things to do close by, so no huge amounts of travelling around. People will go back to the same holiday destination every year, for me, it’s an annual holiday to Wales to see the grandparents and I like that it’s now become a family tradition. However the effects and benefits of a holiday are often fleeting and soon forgotten once back in the daily grind. They are almost always over before they’ve even started!

Why is Travelling different?

So how does travel really differ? I mean, it’s also a chance to getaway and de-stress right? True, but then there’s this whole other dimension on top of that.

More on Why I travel: Why I Will Never Stop Travelling

travelling Bali

The benefits of travel enable a huge capacity for personal growth.

The lasting impression and rewards of travelling will last a lifetime and memories and experiences will stick with you throughout.

There’s something very special about arriving to a new place, on your own, with just a backpack and a map (ok laptop, smartphone, kindle, etc but they don’t always work!). Anyway, I think travelling takes you to more exotic and foreign locations, not just in distance; I mean, I would still consider a 2 week all inclusive resort in Thailand a holiday (not that I have any issues with holidays, honestly I love all travel!). I’m talking about going off the beaten track, mingling with locals, moving around from place to place, never knowing where you will be from one day to the next and figuring it out as you go. A holiday is more off a set plan, it’s booked and you pretty much know what to expect.

Solo Travel Bolivia

Travelling will take you out of your comfort zone, allow you to meet so many wonderfully crazy people and experience local families and their culture in a more in-depth way. Normally you will be away from home for a longer duration which will allow you to fully immerse yourself within the country and its people. When you do return home it’s with a fresh perspective, feeling uplifted and ready for change.

Solo Travel New Zealand

Why is Travelling so Beneficial?

Travel draws you in, consumes you and teaches you. Especially whilst solo travelling, you’re are the one to deal with any problems, with your itinerary, keeping safe, researching where to go next and making flights etc. All of these things will develop you as a person as it’s you who has to find a solution and deal with problems head on. It’s a confidence builder. You get the chance to meet tons of people and potentially find lifelong friends.

Solo Travel Namibia

Travel will take you on a personal journey; there will be ups, downs, every emotion you can think of but at the end you will look back and really feel like you’ve has this wonderful experience of personal discovery.

OK, that sounds a bit airy fairy but it really feels like you been through something kinda, well, magical. And then when you return home friends will ask “so how was your trip?” and you’re just left speechless as to how can you sum up what you’ve just been through in a single sentence!

Solo Travel Sri Lanka

What Should I expect?

Although I won’t sugar coat it, solo travel can be tough sometimes but that’s what makes it so rewarding! Yes it might get lonely or tiresome but those things are easily forgotten. Solo travel is never as scary as it first seems and totally achievable.

At the end is an accomplishment that no-one can take away.

You will understand things about yourself just as much as what you will discover from other cultures and places. You will learn to speak to just about anyone and ascertain so much you didn’t know from the stories you’ll encounter from them.

travelling India

You will try things you never even considered edible. You will become independent, street smart and explore a fresh sense of freedom. Its all about going with an open mind and embracing new opportunities. Things might not always go to plan but you will learn to adapt and be flexible. In doing so will find unique experiences that were not planed but might just end up making your trip. Yes, travelling as opposed to a holiday can be way more stressful but so, so much more rewarding!

What do you think? Is travelling just an extended holiday or more? What have you learnt from travelling?

More thinking… what’s ‘travel destiny’ I hear you say?!

solo female travel
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Hi, I'm Sam, a British backpacker, solo travelling for over a decade. I aim to inspire and advise on solo female travel.

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