I can’t believe I’ve lived in Brisbane for around 4.5 years and only just discovered Enoggera reservoir! Only a 20-30 min drive from Brisbane and easily accessible via public transport, this place is perfect for those wanting to get out and enjoy nature.

After swimming in the pool all over winter here, I have started to become really interested in not only cold water swimming, but wild swimming too. Ok, so our pool went down to 14 degrees, which is probably warm to those back home in the UK! But in Brisbane it feels freezing!

I started looking into wild swimming and found many videos on YouTube, mostly from those living in the UK, particularly near Dartmoor National Park. It got me thinking if there are many wild swim spots near Brisbane but the only thing that came up which was pretty close was Enoggera reservoir.

The first trip here, my partner and I arrived about 7:30am, and I was surprised to already see so many cars in the car park. Mostly belonging to the kayakers and open water swimmers. We headed down to the swim spot, which was actually very quiet. Just a couple of kayakers heading out for a morning paddle.

Enoggera reservoir is great as there is a designated swimming area, that is zoned off (making it a tiny but less authentic but hey!). I’ve seen pictures online and this place gets packed on the summer with kids swimming and families picnicking, so I fully intend on making the most of this quieter wintertime. I’ve also read it can be very popular for the local snakes in summer, who love to sunbathe on the warm walking tracks- no thanks!

So, I get my clothes off and lined up on the bank, and tentatively wander in the water. To my surprise it feels warmer than the pool! It gets deep gradually so great for slowly getting used to the cold water, which does get a bit colder the deeper you get but it’s not crazy old even in winter! That’s winter in Australia for you.

Still, I do feel the cold easily, so I try not to be in for too long. I was the only one in, and it literally feels like you have the whole world to yourself. The sun was not fully up, and there’s a soft light starting to hit the tops of the trees. I’m also swimming right next to the wild water birds who are drying off, perched on something over the water. It’s so peaceful and calming.

Once I got out, I made sure to drink up my hot tea, which I brought along in my flask, and a snack of some homemade baking of some sort. Tastes even better after a swim! Then we headed on the walking track, as the sun was starting to rise.

I honestly felt on top of the world and must have said “that was AMAZING!” a million times! The sun was starting the stream through the trees, and it’s still pretty quiet at that time, the water still and the birds singing.

We took the Araucaria track, which is a 5k return. It says to allow 2 hours, but we did this in about an hour. It goes around a section of the reservoir, not the whole thing, as this is a much longer walk. The Araucaria track is pretty flat and easy, and you are under the tree canopy for most of it, with some nice Hoop pine trees in sections (I love pines!). It goes pretty close to the water, so its always within sight and very calming. I felt such a buzz after that swim which lasted most of the day haha.

Once back to where we started, the café was open. The coffee was surprising good (oat flat white), and a slice of cake (you can never have enough!). The café is half out in the open and overlooks the Walkabout Creek Discovery Centre, so you might spot an emu, wombat and tree kangaroo right from your table!

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We decided to pay the small fee and go into the Walkabout Creek Discovery Centre. There are some underwater sections, snakes, and then it opens up outside where there is an echidna, emu walking about freely (a lil scary but pretty tame apparently), some wallabies and Billy the wombat, who we saw being taken for a walk on a lead. Only in Australia!

Enoggera Reservoir is such a nice way to spend a morning, or even better, all day. They have a lovely picnic lawn so you can bring your own food and just chill all day if you like. I’ve been back for a swim a few times now, and the earlier the better I say! But shh… don’t tell too many people!


Hi, I'm Sam, a British backpacker, solo travelling for over a decade. I aim to inspire and advise on solo female travel.

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