
Ho Chi Minh


Vietnam has beaches, hills, caves, temples, cities, rivers, colonial buildings, great food and lush green rice fields. There is some spectacular scenery, mixed with a great food scene and nightlife. Here are 20 fun things to do in Vietnam for the ultimate adventure.

Visit the Stunning Halong Bay

standing in front of junk boats at Halong Bay Halong Bay is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, situated in the Northeast of Vietnam. It’s known for its stunning blue waters and huge limestone cliffs imposing over the water. Jump on a traditional junk boat or kayak your way through the emerald green waters. There are many private little beaches to be discovered, as well a number of caves to explore.

Get Lost in the Streets of Hanoi

posing by lake in Hanoi

Hanoi, the capital city of Vietnam has two sections, The French Quarter, complete with colonial buildings and the Old Quarter with its authentic side streets. Walking around, through the traffic and hundreds of wire cables overhead and past many people can feel chaotic, but head in and around the side streets and it feels much more peaceful than Ho Chi Minh city (better for skyscraper, nightlife, etc). Get up early and watch the old timers practicing Thai-chi in the parks!


People Watch from Above

Monsoon rain in Hanoi streets

Travelling to Vietnam in monsoon season, you quickly realise that you will have to stop at some point in the day to let the rains pass. This can be a great opportunity to take a break, sit, read, and people watch on the streets. An activity that can be rather amusing, interesting and pleasing, watch how local life unfolds in front you of.

Chat with the Local People

old, smiling Vietnamese lady

Walking around some parts of Vietnam, visitors can still be a bit of a novelty and you will find people staring and curious to talk to you. Saying hello to the locals, waving at the children and spending time in the more local areas gives you a real feel for the place, outside of the backpacking trail.


See the Sunset from Sam Mountain

View of green fields from Sam Mountain

Not named after me but still cool to climb a mountain of my name! When I say climb, I mean on a motorbike. We got taken up by local drivers and were able to sit in hammocks with a beer and watch the sun go down. One of life’s simple pleasures.

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Watch a Traditional Puppet Show

Water puppet show, Vietnam

A water puppet show provides a glimpse into traditional Vietnamese arts and culture. I visited the Thang Long Water Puppet Theatre for an hour’s performance of small sketches, all in Vietnamese of course but still reasonably easy to pick up. A great nights entertainment.

Buy a Vietnamese Straw Hat

lady with 1 arm making straw hat

During a motorbike tour, we stopped off at this local lady’s house, where she makes straw hats for tourists. She only has one hand but makes them surprisingly quickly and gave us a demonstration just to prove it. It was incredible to watch such skills at work, so I had to buy one- making a great memento from my Southeast Asia trip (although I then had to carefully carry it around for about 3 weeks!).


Try Jet Skiing

Jet Skiing in Vietnam

Jet skiing in Vietnam is so much cheaper than in Western countries, so I just had to try. What fun it is! A great way to let off some steam and try something to get the adrenaline pumping.

Chill at the Beach

Cua Dai Beach in Vietnam

Vietnam has some beautiful beaches, some busier than others. My tour group had a BBQ on the beach, followed by beers, games and relaxing. Cua Dai beach is also a pretty beach, within cycling distance of Hoi An. It was pretty quiet when I went too which is an added bonus.

Enjoy the Delicious Cuisine

eating at roadside restaurant in Vietnam

The Vietnamese cuisine is known around the world. Its healthy, fresh ingredients make it a popular choice worldwide and it tastes even better from its own country. Full of fresh herbs, seafood, meat and vegetables, the food is not too spicy either and there’s something for everyone.

solo female travel free guideLearn How to Cross the Road

many motorbikes at Ho Chi Minh city

Crossing the road in Vietnam is a daunting prospect when first arriving in Hanoi or Ho Chi Min (Saigon). Around 80% of vehicles are motorbikes and even though there are pedestrian crossings, they rarely stop. You literally have to start waking out into the sea of bikes and they will just weave around you! Be sure to walk in a slow, steady and predictable pace and you’ll be fine.


Visit Hoa Lo Prison

slave carvings at Hoa Lo prison

Hoa Lo Prison is a little weird and quite shocking, showing images and sculptures of past torture. Its in interesting visit to discover Vietnams past and how these prisoners were held.

Learn About the Past at Chu Chi Tunnels

climbing through one of the Chu Chi tunnels

The Chu Chi Tunnels offer an insight into life for the Vietnamese soldiers during the war in 1948. You can walk under some of the claustrophobic tunnels, have a go at firing an AK47 and read about the past war tactics and traps set by the soldiers.

Say Hello to the Local Kids

posing with local kids on small bridge

The local kids are always smiling and happy to see you and super curious about where you are from. They love practicing their English on you which is really cute! They’ll put a smile on your face for the rest of the day.


Explore Temples

There are many temples in Vietnam with it being predominantly a Buddhist country. There are thousands of temples, big and small dotted all over the country. You may be lucky enough to catch the monks chanting or sitting eating all lined up in the hall.


Go on a Motorbike Tour in the Countryside

sitting on the back of a motorbike in Vietnam

A 4 hour motorbike da tour was one of my favourite things to do in Vietnam. Its such a fun experience riding on the back of a bike, especially driving through beautiful countryside, rolling hills, rice fields and temples.

See Pretty Lanterns at Hoi An

old lady carrying 2 fruit baskets in Hoi An

Hoi An is a really pretty town, known for its friendship bridge and colourful lanterns. It’s quite a romantic city, particularly wandering the streets at sunset. Watching the locals going about their daily business, whilst admiring the beautiful buildings in Hoi An felt quite authentic.

Discover Local Markets

Man sitting at his market stool, Vietnam

There are plenty of markets in Vietnam, from the night markets, tourist markets and local food markets. All of which hold something different. Wander down to the local food stalls early morning and get a real feel of Vietnam or wander around the night market for some evening entertainment.


Enjoy the Lush Countryside

blue river by lush green forest

Vietnam has a diverse array of landscapes from rice paddies, mountains, small villages, big cities, rivers, beaches and lakes. Spend time truly exploring every part of this county and leave feeling like you’ve had a true adventure.


Have a Beer and Watch the Sunset

sunset over Vietnamese rice fields

Southeast Asia has some real good sunsets and the best way to enjoy them is with a cold Vietnamese beer in hand.

Hope you enjoyed this post on things to do in Vietnam, please share this post!

chu chi tunnels vietnam

Learn about Vietnam’s history…

Near Ho Chi Minh city in Vietnam, the Chu Chi Tunnels are a network of underground tunnels used during the Vietnam war. Complete with hiding places, secret ventilation spots hidden beneath bushes and even a concealed underwater entrance. To deter the enemy the soldiers used spikes and trap doors to scare off intruders. Conditions were grim with sickness and an infestation of rats and various harmful creepy crawlies. Soldiers slept and ate down there with areas for a kitchen and living space.

chu chi tunnels vietnam
Going into the tunnels

Today it has been turned into a tourist attraction and visitors can even walk through some of the underground tunnels. They are incredibly claustrophobic and so small in some parts you need to crawl though on hands and knees. The staff will also demonstrate how the traps were used. There are exhibits and videos to watch for more information about the history behind the tunnels.

chu chi tunnels hiding
Trying to fit in one of the hiding places
chu chi tunnels trap door with spikes
Trap with spikes

Practice your shooting…

You can also head to the shooting range where you can practice your aim. The shots can be heard from a distance and even with the headphones it’s very loud! You buy a set off bullets and then fire at targets with an AK47.

chu chi tunnels vietnam
Firing an AK47

If you have half a day then a visit here is for sure worth a visit, if only to gain a greater understanding of Vietnam’s history and get hands on.

Bomb Crater Vietnam
B52 Bomb Crater

How to Get to the Chu Chi Tunnels?

For the adventurous you can grab a local bus or you could hire a taxi or motorbike. I think the easiest way would be to book a tour when in Ho Chi Minh as it’s a popular day trip from the city. It will take just over an hour from Ho Chi Minh.

chu chi tunnels vietnam
My tour group

More things to do in Vietnam…Cruising Through Halong Bay, Vietnam

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