Learn about Vietnam’s history…
Near Ho Chi Minh city in Vietnam, the Chu Chi Tunnels are a network of underground tunnels used during the Vietnam war. Complete with hiding places, secret ventilation spots hidden beneath bushes and even a concealed underwater entrance. To deter the enemy the soldiers used spikes and trap doors to scare off intruders. Conditions were grim with sickness and an infestation of rats and various harmful creepy crawlies. Soldiers slept and ate down there with areas for a kitchen and living space.

Today it has been turned into a tourist attraction and visitors can even walk through some of the underground tunnels. They are incredibly claustrophobic and so small in some parts you need to crawl though on hands and knees. The staff will also demonstrate how the traps were used. There are exhibits and videos to watch for more information about the history behind the tunnels.

Practice your shooting…
You can also head to the shooting range where you can practice your aim. The shots can be heard from a distance and even with the headphones it’s very loud! You buy a set off bullets and then fire at targets with an AK47.

If you have half a day then a visit here is for sure worth a visit, if only to gain a greater understanding of Vietnam’s history and get hands on.

How to Get to the Chu Chi Tunnels?
For the adventurous you can grab a local bus or you could hire a taxi or motorbike. I think the easiest way would be to book a tour when in Ho Chi Minh as it’s a popular day trip from the city. It will take just over an hour from Ho Chi Minh.

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