My first trip was to South Africa at the age of 18. Travelling with two friends from school, I quickly made much more, volunteering on an animal sanctuary. There were around 12-14 volunteers at one time and most stayed for the whole two months I was there. This was on of the most free and happy times and got me hooked on travel.
Since then I have been on many more solo adventures, travelling solo and someties with a tour group. Travel has taught me a few things over the years, here are some of those things…
It starts with Bravery
Being brave is kind of a must for a solo female traveller. You do have to put yourself out there because, yes it can be scary sometimes. Going into the unknown and the unfamiliar can be daunting for any traveller but as a female we sometimes need to take extra safety precautions in certain countries.
While this may put you off, it shouldn’t! I was pretty terrified before my solo trip around Peru and Bolivia, but I chose not to let it stop me from exploring the world- and I’m sooo glad I went. By taking safety precautions and making sensible decisions, it’s definitely possible to travel solo and enjoy doing it.
I think its all about being prepared. I love the quote “If you fail to prepare, then prepare to fail”. As a solo female traveller, I have always made sure I’ve done my homework before entering a new country. Read up abut the safety issues, the dress code for local women, any common scams, the rules and norms in the culture, etc. By having this knowledge beforehand, you can better prepare yourself, such as avoiding certain places or making sure to pack clothes that will cover you up.
You Will Meet So Many Different People
The people I’ve met over the years have been truly inspiring. I’ve met the most wonderful, crazy, unusual, friendly (and rude!), quirky, and interesting characters. It’s so great to be able to interact with someone from the other side of the world from you, someone with a completely different culture or personality. You end up talking to people you never normally would and making friends with them. Inevitably over time you may lose contact with the people you have met, but I still have some contact with people I’ve met years ago from travelling. You can make like minded friends and interact with a group of people that ‘just get you’.
You Will Learn So Much
Travel is a great way to really connect with the world and to learn about different cultures and customs. I remember learning about different countries and cultures at school but seeing them first-hand is really something else. It’s like jumping into the textbook, you can feel the heat of the sun on your face, smell the spices or other aromas, hear the local languages, and taste the food. You will experience a different lifestyle, talk with the local people, try new cuisines, learn a new language, and perhaps see poverty first-hand. All of this is contributing to your knowledge and understanding of other countries and it’s people.
Travelling Solo Empowers You
As a solo female traveller, I have always found travelling alone to be so empowering. I feel like I can do anything! As a shy girl it has also opened up my confidence and allowed me the chance to really develop as a person. You are put into situations where you really have to speak to people and so are given the chance to develop your conversational and communication skills. I feel like when travelling alone, you just have to deal with situations because there is no one there to help you. This can help you overcome problems if they arise, and actually equip you better for life back home too.
You Will Learn to Budget
Backpacking around the world can be a costly business and being a solo traveller, there’s no one to really rely on but yourself- and no we don’t want to go to the ‘bank of mum and dad’! You will learn to manage your money, spread out the cost of things, put together a plan or itinerary and to manage your finances. These are all great skills for everyday life!
Travelling Solo Makes You Reflect
One of the biggest things I love about travelling its that it allows you to take a step back from your life back home, without the distractions, and really reflect. It allows you the time to think- something we have little of in ‘the real world’. Gazing out of a slow boat drifting down the Mekong River, sitting on top of a mountain and watching the sun rise over a sacred town in the middle of India, going to sleep under the stars on the Inca trail in Peru. Its moments like these that really make you stop and appreciate life for what it is. It allows you the chance to think about your life at home- whether you’re happy, how you can change things if needed, and it inspires you do go back with a feeling of starting new and getting productivity going.
Hope you enjoyed this post. What are some of the things you have learnt from travelling solo? Comment below 🙂
You may also like to check out: Favourite Places I’ve Travelled Solo