In light of this coronavirus (COVID-19), I thought I’d share some travel inspiration for those of you who may be stuck at home. Even though we can’t travel right now, there’s nothing stopping us all from day dreaming of the future right?! Hoping you are all safe and well and have not had too many distruptions to your travel plans? The good thing is that travel will still be there when this has all gone back to normal.
So here are 15 photos to inspire you to visit the stunningly unique country of Namibia.
I booked a road trip through this beautful country, and would reccommed it for anyone who loves going off the beaten track, seeing vast and unique landscapes, and loves adventure! From desert, to beaches, cities, adreneline sports, camping, safari and so much more- Namibia is one country you must tick off your bucket list.

Hope you enjoyed this post, for things to do if you visit Namibia then check out:ย Namibia: 15 Stunning Reasons Why You Need To Visit