Travelling alone for the first time? Have a million questions and not sure where to start? Well worry no more- In this post I will answer all your solo female travel questions and (hopefully) put your mind at rest. Travelling alone for the first time can be daunting but should you let that stop you? Absolutely not!
Here are some common first time travelling alone questions- answered!
I’m feeling scared/ nervous/ anxious about travelling alone
Being scared is not necessarily a bad thing- it’s what gives us adrenaline. It’s that flight or fight response that pushes us to do something out of our comfort zone- and instinctively protects us when we’re in danger.
Being able to push past that initial anxiety is well worth trying as I think we tend to over-think things until they build up in our minds, concluding that we can’t possibly do what ever it was that we wanted to do. So my advice to you is stop thinking so much about the ‘what ifs’ as there will always be a reason why ‘I shouldn’t go’. But there are so many reasons as to why you should go.
Talk to other women on solo female Facebook groups and get some friendly advice on the country you want to visit. Talking to others who have done the same can be very reassuring.
Is it safe to travel alone as a woman?
I’m pretty sure this is the number one question asked by all women before their first time travelling alone. We here about so much bad stuff on the news about various countries worldwide, that we believe it’s just not safe to travel alone. But crime happens anywhere- even in your own country and it shouldn’t be a barrier to travelling alone. We as women just must be more cautious and sensible about how we do it.
If you do your research into what you might expect in the destination you’re heading to and use good old common sense, then there’s really no reason why you shouldn’t travel solo. Undoubtedly you will get unwanted attention from men in certain countries but if you are following good safety precautions there’s no need to worry about this.
Being respectful of the local culture by dressing the part, walking with confidence, reading up about any known scams in the area, not walking around after dark, etc. These are all simple ways we can stay safer when travelling abroad.
If you want to read more about dealing with unwanted attention when travelling, then read this……

What if my parents worry about me travelling alone?
Parents understandably worry- it’s basically their job! If you are travelling alone for the first time then of course they might be a little apprehensive. Help them to understand why you want to travel solo and involve them in the process of organising your trip.
It will help parents feel more at ease if they know exactly where you’re going (even if this is a basic itinerary that you update them on once out there, if plans change along the way). Tell them where you are staying and give them copies of your passport details and other important documents like flight itinerary and travel insurance.
Explain about how you will keep yourself safe and ask them for any advice they may have. Work out a plan of action for any problem scenarios that could potentially arise and tell them how you would deal with them. Show them that you’re taking it seriously and that you have thought about what to do if you run into any problems. This shows that you’re taking initiative and are being prepared in the best way possible.
Keep in contact whilst your travelling so they still feel connected and can get hold of you. The more they are in the loop about where you are the less they will worry over you.
What if something goes wrong when I’m travelling?
Travel can sometimes not go the way you planned, flights might get delayed, luggage lost or you might have your belongings stolen, etc. These things can and do happen yes, but things like crime are mostly pretty rare.
Being prepared is one of the best ways you can deal with any problems Already having an idea of what you would do in a certain situation, if it arises, could be very beneficial to you. Having insurance to cover if you get sick or injured can take a huge weight off your shoulders, just knowing there’s people to help when needed.
I guess most things sound horrid when you hear about them but if you are actually in that situation you just deal with it there and then- because you have to. I remember the time I got my purse stolen at a busy festival in Thailand. It was my own silly fault having my purse in an easy reachable place when the streets were packed full of people (duh!). I remember feeling so upset, walking back to the hostel crying and worrying about what to do.
But then I just thought how I needed to deal with this quickly, so I phoned up my banks emergency number which I had already printed out at home- just in case. They cancelled my card straight away and then I got on to telling my mum and asking her to send some money via Western Union (thanks Mum). It would take 3 days to arrive but I could just about get by with my back up money.
At first, I was quite upset but another traveller just said to me “it’s happened, there’s nothing you can do about it now so try not to be upset and let it ruin your time. Get back out and enjoy the festival”. I took their advice and it’s the best thing I could have done. Moral of the story- things go wrong sometimes but after you’ve sorted the problem just get back on with it and don’t let it put a downer on your adventure.
Where are the best places to travel to alone for the first time?
Anywhere! There’s no right or wrong destination- it’s whatever you’re looking for. What do you want to get out of your trip? Are you looking for off the beaten path adventure? Hiking trips, city breaks, volunteering, an easy-going beach holiday? There are so many places you can travel to alone so go where your heart desires!
If it is your first time travelling alone though, you may want a destination that you think you would be comfortable in. So pick a place that is easy to get around in, maybe a country where they speak reasonably good English. Going to places like South East Asia are great as you will get a chance to meet many other backpackers and its so easy to navigate around.
For more destinations for the first time traveller check out….5 Destinations for the First Time Traveller
What do I wear as a woman travelling alone?
In some countries it is advisable for woman to cover their shoulders and knees, especially when visiting a religious place. In the middle east you will have to further cover up arms and legs fully (although mostly in the religious places).
Covering up not only is a good safety precaution but it also shows respect for the country and culture you are visiting. To make sure you feel comfortable, do a little research into what you should wear for your chosen destination. Take along a scarf for temples, and some loose long sleeved tops, trousers and skirts. Make sure they are not translucent material either or that kind of defeats the point!
Taking these precautions is a great way to make you feel a lot more comfortable when travelling alone for the first time.

How do I travel alone if I’m shy or quite introverted?
Well this is me in many ways. I’m sometimes not the most sociable of people and I have always been shy. Travelling solo is definitely a great way to overcome some of that shyness. I was put in situations where I had to talk to people, there’s no way around it sometimes. But I had the mindset that when I’m travelling I can be anyone I want to be because no one knows me here.
Also the beauty of travelling alone is that you decide on everything. If you don’t feel like being sociable then that’s ok- travelling by yourself and learning to do things alone can be very empowering and enlightening. It can be a good thing, so being shy shouldn’t stop you at all.
Solo travel is wonderful for self confidence and who knows- it could just be the boost you need.
Will I get lonely travelling solo?
Of course there will be times you will feel a little lonely, just like you might back home? But try to embrace being by yourself, you might learn something! Yes, you might see couples or friends travelling together and think how nice that would be. I’ve been there. But who knows, they might be looking at you thinking how nice it would be to travel solo!
If you are starting to tire of your own company, then try and stay in a hostel and sit in the common room or kitchen- that’s a great way to start talking with like minded travellers. Also joining a tour group- even if its just a day tour is nice as you have people to share the experience with.
If you don’t feel like talking to people then enjoy your own company, go to the local food markets for dinner, or take a book to the restaurant. Even just sitting in your hostel and talking/skyping friends back home can make you feel a little less lonely.
But really, feeling lonely on the odd occasion won’t ruin your trip and you will forget all about it when your back home and have all these amazing pictures and experiences to share with your family and friends.

Will I make friends easily travelling solo?
As I said above, making friends can be easy when staying in hostels as there will be any other people in the same position as you. The best part about travelling solo is you get you decide how long you want to talk to people for. Some might like a conversation in the evenings or others might like to find a group of people to travel around with for several days or even weeks.
Solo travel brings about the unknown, you might not be expecting to meet anyone but happen to get talking to a friendly traveller and end up spending several days sightseeing together. Really there’s no need to worry about making friends. Whereas back home it might seem strange to just walk up to someone and start a conversation, its totally normal in hostels and a quick and easy way to make friends.

How do I take photos of myself when travelling alone?
If it’s your first time travelling alone, you might be wondering how do I get a good picture of myself if there’s no one else with me? Well there are several ways around this and you don’t have to be non-existent in photos from your trip- its nice to look back on pictures and you should absolutely be in them.
The main way is just to ask someone to take a photo of you, maybe you could suggest the same in return too. I like to try and find someone in the crowd that looks like they know how to take a somewhat decent picture- usually that person with the DSLR camera strapped around their neck.
It can be a little awkward when a stranger is taking your picture but you soon get used to asking. If you want a photo a certain way then just give them a brief description of how you want the image framed- I mean you’re never going to see them again so it’s worth asking.
Another great way to take photos of yourself travelling is on self-timer. I have done this on many occasions, especially at places where’s there’s not many others around. If you have a camera with a remote you can get an app so you can see how you look in the frame before you take the photos. I’ve been experimenting with the app ‘imaging edge mobile’ and I love it! And you have all the time you want to get the picture just how you want it.
And finally, there’s always the selfie stick!

What do I do at the airport?
I’m just thinking back to the first time I travelled alone here- I remember thinking “I’ve forgotten what to do when I get to the airport!”. If there’s anyone like me reading this then I’ll briefly explain. 😊
It’s best to check in online as the queues can be longer at the airport. Also it gives you a chance to pre book your seat (I must always have an aisle seat now after being trapped needing the bathroom for hours- but that’s another story). FYI- some airlines have free seat selection 24 hours before the flight so it can be worth waiting if you don’t want to pay to pick your seat.
Print your itinerary off or have it on your phone. Once at departures, find your flight number on the screen and it will tell you which area to check in. Even if you’ve printed your boarding pass you might still have to queue up if your airline doesn’t have self-check in.
Once you have checked in your bags and got your boarding pass, then make your way through to customs. This is where they will put your bags through the scanner so make sure you are prepared by having liquids under 100ml and in a clear plastic bag. You will need to take out your laptop so have that in an easy place.
Tip: Take an empty water bottle and refill it once through customs (there’s usually a drinking fountain by the toilets).
Once through you will be at duty free and all the shops. Give your self good time to get though so you can relax a bit before your flight- and remember to regularly check the screen to see when your flight is boarding in case it changes.
What do I do about travel visas?
Each country is different- some are less strict than others but it’s one of the first things you need to check once decided on a trip. This is because for some countries, getting a visa can be a lengthy process and could take a few months to arrive. You will need to check if you can get a visa upon arrival or if you need to get one before you enter the country.
Your countries government website should have all the information you need (or you could contact the relevant embassy). For anyone from the UK the gov site is super helpful and gives up to date safety advice also.
What do I do about travel vaccinations?
Just go to your local doctor. They will be able to tell you if you need any vaccinations for a particular country and if you are up to date with any previous vaccinations you’ve had.
How do I book accommodation?
If you are on a budget, then Hostel World is a great site and has cheap shared dorm accommodation from all over the world.
My favourite place to book is as you don’t need to pay a deposit when you book, and many places can be cancelled pretty close to your stay date. It also shows accommodation from the cheapest hostels to the most expensive, so sometimes you might find that a private room is not too much more than a hostel dorm.
*For $16 USD (£13) off your booking, just click here!
You can also get good deals on and trivago but the previous 2 are definitely my go to!
Tip: Check several sites as sometimes a hostel is shown as booked on one site but available on another- its worth looking around.
I usually book the first 2 nights accommodation, so I have time to figure out my plans. It can be better not to book too far ahead in case plans change- which they will do sometimes. If you are travelling for the first time, then you might feel better having the first week booked somewhere. If there’s a lot to do in the area, it’ll give you a good base to explore, find your bearings and get used to travelling solo.
Where do I start?!
It can be hard to know where to begin before taking your fist trip abroad. FYI- if you sign up to my monthly newsletter below, you can receive a free guide on building the confidence to travel solo and how to get prepared for your trip.
First, you need to think about what type of trip you want, how long you want to spend and what time of year is good for that destination. Do a little online research into the prices of flights, accommodation, tours, activities, food, local transport, etc and figure out a rough budget.
Make sure you have enough money with a little extra for emergencies and start to plan a rough itinerary. Booking the first few nights is a good idea- most hostels you can book the day before so its fine to book last minute (just double check if it’s a busy time of year though, Christmas, local festivals, etc).
Then you need to figure out what activities you want to do and how long it will take you to get from place to place. After you know where you are going- get practical. Check if you need visas, vaccines, etc and if you need to buy anything for your trip.
Read up about the country you’re going too- how should you dress, any scams to be aware of, rules and cultural norms, etc. Knowing a bit about where you are going can really help.
How far in advance do I need to book?
It depends on where you are going and what you are doing. In Peru for example, if you are doing the Inca trail you will need to get your permits at least 3 months in advance. If going to Bhutan, you must book through a tour group. If you are thinking about any tour group, you may want to book a few months in advance.
If you’re just going alone then check if there are any events on that may mean places get booked up early. And check if it’s a busy time of year or school holidays, etc. If not, then usually you can book accommodation or local transport last minute. Generally, for international flights the earlier you book the cheaper (5 months prior is good). Domestic you can find good deals a month before.
Everywhere is different so look around- Skyscanner has a good tool called the ‘everywhere’ search, where you just type in ‘everywhere’ into the search and it will tell you about how much it is to travel anywhere in the world- you could find some interesting places here.
Hope you enjoyed this post, please share to anyone you know thinking about travelling alone for the first time! Also anything I missed? Let me know below!